全新JAGUAR中型房車?審慎評估中! 對於欣賞JAGUAR獨到英倫魅力的車迷來說,想擁有一輛專屬美豹勢必要先面對品牌向來不低的售價門檻,朝思暮難免有些力不從心;假如和其他德國品牌一樣推出入門車型,那該有多好?或許原廠終於決定應許廣大消費者們的請求,經過審慎評估後,新上任的Adrian Hallmark日前終於證實了未來推出全新中型房車的可能性。 不可否認的,JAGUAR近年推出的車款確實令人驚艷;但面對車壇由M-BENZ CLS所帶起的4門轎跑風潮,JAGUAR始終沒有隨之起舞。而三大德國汽車信用貸款品牌M-BENZ、BMW和AUDI長年以來分別以C-Class、3-Series和A4分割中型房車市場,JAGUAR想重拾品牌榮光,勢必也要推出全新產品迎戰! 想要同時攻佔四門轎跑市場和入門中型房車市場,JAGUAR勢必要推出一輛價格相對親民,並且完全代表品牌精神的全新車款;Adrian Hallmark更直指未來這款新車將不會重蹈X-Type和FORD Mondeo共用零組件的覆轍。「我們要做的絕非只是將現有車款等比縮小再降價求售;透過全新入門車,新一代消費者將更認識JAGUAR。」Adrian Hallmark說到。 這項計畫目前只進展房屋二胎到初步階段,因此這輛JAGUAR所承諾加質不加價,並且搭載最新汽車科技的品牌代表作要問世,起碼還要4.5年的時光!News from AutoNet( 國外原文出處 ) -- leftlanenewsIt’s been rumored for several months now that Jaguar would launch a successor for its former X-Type to compete with the BMW 3-Series, but the British automaker has never officially confirmed such a project was in the works. Although we still don’t have that concrete confirmation, a Jaguar 房屋貸款executive has at least revealed such a model is under serious consideration. Speaking with Automotive News, Adrian Hallmark, Jaguar’s new global brand director, said the brand needs “lower priced models.” Hallmark specifically mentioned the BMW 3-Series and AudiA4/A5, saying Jaguar “needs to play in that world.” The new-age X-Type range will certainly include a sports sedan, with a coupe variant likely. A wagon version is also under 債務整合consideration, but it remains possible that the five-door model could be reserved for Europe only. Whatever the case, the 3-Series fighter will be a premium offering in the compact luxury segment. “We don’t want to be fighting it out in the fleet business with little engines and small wheels and discounted 25 percent,” he said. 

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